[PDF] N. Shirzad, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “Challenge Point and Task Difficulty Adaptation: Improving
Engagement in Robot-assisted Movement Therapy,” poster session presented at the International Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction, Cambridge, August 2013.
[PDF] N. Shirzad, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “Adaptation of Task Difficulty in Rehabilitation Exercises Based on the User’s Motor Performance and Physiological Responses,” poster session presented at the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Seattle, June 2013.
[LINK] S. Tatla, K. Sauve, N. Virji-Babul, L. Holsti, C. Butler, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “The impact of motivation on rehabilitation outcomes in children with brain injuries: A systematic review,” Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Volume 55, Issue 7, July 2013, pp. 593–601.
[VIDEO] J. Hay, M. Law, “Description and Controller Design,” June 2013.
[LINK] Shirzad, N., “The Use of Physiological Signals and Motor Performance Metrics in Task Difficulty Adaptation: Improving Engagement in Robot-Assisted Movement Therapy”, M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia (H.F.M. Van der Loos), April 2013.
[VIDEO] K. Lohse, N. Shirzad, A. Verster, N. Hodges, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “Video games and rehabilitation: using design principles to enhance patient engagement”, Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Accepted for Publication, April 2013.
[LINK] N. Shirzad, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “Error amplification to promote motor learning and motivation in therapy robotics,” Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2012.
[LINK] N. Shirzad, H.F.M. Van der Loos, “Desirable difficulty in a robotic therapy regimen based on performance and affect,” Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Vancouver, BC, June 6-9, 2012.
[LINK] H.F.M. Van der Loos, N. Shirzad, “Therapy robotics: The power of the interface to motivate,” Proceedings, 20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 31-Aug. 3, 2011.
B.A. Valdés, C.G.E. Hilderman, C.T. Hung, N. Shirzad, H.F.M. Van Der Loos, “Usability Testing of Gaming and Social Media Applications for Stroke and Cerebral Palsy Upper Limb Rehabilitation.,”. Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., vol. 2014, to appear, Oct. 2014.